
I’m a freelance writer and photographer. Those two passions infuse everything I do, whether I’m exploring and learning about my island home or the rest of the world. I hope you’ll join me as I share the places I’ve been, the experiences I’ve had and the things I’ve learned and am learning every day. Life is a journey, and journeys should be shared.

I’m a member of the North American Travel Journalists Association, where you can find some of my credits. My photo website is  Jennifer Crites Photography, with images also available from two international photo-stock agencies—Photo Resource Hawaii and Photographers Direct—and on FineArt America.

It’s been suggested that I go into a little more detail about myself, so here goes:

I’m a former managing editor at Davick Publications’ ALOHA magazine, where I researched, wrote and edited articles about Hawaii’s culture; people—artists, politicians, actors, musicians and other prominent newsmakers; and Hawaii as a travel destination. Since then, my work has covered a wide range of subjects from culture and traditions to contemporary lifestyles, health, business, film, travel, nature and science, and has appeared in magazines such as Travel+Leisure, Islands, Hawaii, Honolulu, Island Scene, Island Home, Hana Hou!, the University of Hawaii magazine Malamalama, The Hollywood Reporter, Location Update, The Rotarian, NatGeo Kids and The New Yorker, among others, as well as books published by Dorling Kindersley, Oxford Press, Aboard Publishing and HCI Publications.

Before all that, I was a portrait and wedding photographer, and along the way I ghost-wrote a book about estate planning, and co-authored and photographed a nature book called Sharks and Rays of Hawaii (Mutual Pub. 2002).

My most memorable assignment was covering an archaeological dig on the remote Chilean island of Rapa Nui (Easter Island), where I also documented the local lifestyle and landscape.

I’m originally from a region in England called The Potteries, home of England’s fine-china factories. My parents immigrated to the U.S. when I was seven, and I have become an American citizen and thoroughly American, except for a slight British accent that pops out when I’m listening to Brits on the telly.

I love to travel, Some of my trips include South Korea, Vietnam, India, Dubai, Norway, Turkey, France, Italy, the Greek Isles, Australia and New Zealand, all of which I blog about so that I can share the experiences.


48 thoughts on “About

  1. Ed Empey

    Looking forward to your posts, Jennifer.


  2. Thanks for visiting and following my blog “Reflections.” … Be well, Dorothy 🙂


  3. You have some beautiful thoughts, there, Dorothy, and you express them eloquently. 🙂


  4. I’ve nominated you for the Versatile Blogger award. If you accept please click below. Congrats!!


    • For once I am speechless, and honored that you would recommend me for this award, especially since my blog is not quite 4 weeks old yet. I humbly accept, but must wait to do so (if that’s okay) because my schedule is so bombastic right now that I cannot do justice to the follow-up requirements. Thank you again, sincerely, for this honor. As you know, the feeling is mutual.


      • You are so deserving of this – I love, love, love your pieces on Turkey especially (not biased in the least of course). I always feel I’ve learnt something new and always in a nice way and whilst you may be a newbie like me, obviously lots of people (like me) enjoy your blog


      • Wow! Thank you. Turkey has a special place in my memories. I haven’t really explained why, yet, but will eventually. Btw, coming up next Monday is another Turkey post. I’m polishing now 🙂


      • Fantastic will be looking out for that and now I’m intrigued as to your love of the country so looking forward to that one as well


  5. Barbara Younger

    Hi Jennifer, Thanks for following my blog. I would love to have you write a guest post. No rush! Just when the blogging spirit moves you! Barbara


    • My pleasure, Barbara. I’m so happy to have found your blog and all the great posts for us women of a certain age. Again, as with the nomination above, I’m blown away, that you would ask me to write a guest post. But being the wordy wordsmith that I am, I would love to as soon as my schedule evens out a bit. This is an amazing blogging community I’ve joined. Thank you all for welcoming me into it.


  6. Thanks for finding me, the likes, and signing up!
    Fantastic photos.


    • Back at you, cyclingrandma, and don’t I wish I could get on that bicycle and go with you. My dreams of the open road include a bicycle and the pace to stop and enjoy everything along the way (and take a bazillion photos). Right now I will have to experience it through your blog, but someday…..


  7. Thanks for stopping by my blog and liking my post!


  8. Thanks so much for the follow over on my blog. I’ve taken a quick little cruise through some of your posts, and Hawaii caught my eye! I’ll be back for more.


  9. Beautiful blog Jennifer. Lively with excellent pictures!


    • Thank you, Susan. Likewise for yours. Your art is absolutely wonderful. Since I can’t paint worth a lick, I depend on my photography for artistic expression.


  10. I’ve awarded you the Inspiring Blog Award. Congratulations. It’s over on my post for today. All of your travels and photography are an inspiration.


    • What a lovely honor. Thank you so much. I keep thinking I’m going to have time to follow up on my blog award duties, but that hasn’t been the case so far. Please know I am grateful that you would consider me in this way, and hope springs eternal that my time will free up soon.


  11. Hi there,

    I’m really glad you found my blog http://moreimagesfromme.wordpresscom and you decided to follow my work, so thanks for that, it is appreciated 🙂 If you have time, please take a look at my other photo blog http://reflectionsofchina.wordpress.com this site is for images I take in China; the country I live in and work. I do hope you like that site too :)…You have a really nice blog here, so I too will follow and take my time to enjoy your world.
    Thanks again and Regards Mark.


    • I’m really glad I found your blog, too, Mark. I hope my English Eyes will eventually get to China. In the meantime, your blog will be my guide to all I can experience there. I’m delighted that we are following each others’ blogs. I’ve been a little inundated lately, but am looking forward to diving into your world again. Aloha and Mahalo (thank you, in Hawaiian).


  12. jakesprinter

    Your work are truly great contribution for entire blogosphere my friend more power to you 🙂


    • Why, thank you Jake. What a lovely thing to say, although I don’t feel at all deserving as there are so many incredible blogs out there.


  13. Thank you for dropping by and leaving your mark on my blog, am happy to follow a fellow photographer 🙂


  14. Trish

    Would you be interested in trading guest blog post on our blog, http://onetravelbloggers.com/? We are a PR 3 blog whose audience enjoys reading anything about travel (e.g. “Best spots in Philly”, “Top 10 beaches in Spain”, “How to travel around Tokyo on a budget”, etc). And, of course, you’ll receive a FOLLOWED link to your blog or page of your choice.
    Please let me know if you’re interested. I think you’d be a great fit with our audience, and we’d also like to talk with you about other partnerships.
    Talk to you soon


  15. I just nominated you for blog awards! You are fabulous!


  16. Hello! I nominated you for the Family of Bloggers Award! You can check it out here: http://willwander.wordpress.com/2012/10/25/family-of-bloggers-award/
    Happy blogging!


    • Oh, malloryguinee, I’m such a slacker. I so appreciate the nomination. I’m grateful for each and every one. It’s just that I seem to be fighting an uphill battle with time to complete the award duties. Won’t everyone be surprised when I finally do it. Thank you again for considering me for this award 🙂


      • No worries! If anyone understands, it’s me. I’m about 2 weeks behind in posts and working furiously to catch up while also trying to catch up on real work! I just wanted to let you know! Good luck!


  17. Hi Jennifer,
    I just left you a reply to your last comment but I wanted to make sure you got it so I will put it here…you can delete it later if you want. NEVER EVER feel you can’t speak your mind with me. I reread the comment I left you and I can see how you might think the way you did. I was tired and forgot to put in that I agreed with you completely about the pronouns in it. That will be one of the things I do when I rewrite it as well as a few other suggestions people have given me on the post.


    • Thanks, Jo. Misunderstandings come so easily, and I’m just glad we can clear them up. I really do think you have an excellent story going.


      • Thanks Jennifer. As in all first drafts it will need a lot of work to get it publishable. But at least hopefully I will have the bones on paper by the end of the month. Thank you for saying something – I felt awful when I read your reply. I am so glad we cleared it up too !!!!!


  18. Hi Jennifer, I use to live north of Los Angeles and had annual a pass to the zoo. On days that I couldn’t work I would very often go to the zoo and photograph mostly the tigers, of course others animals too.


    • Zoos can be wonderful places for us to connect with animals. I know you’ll probably laugh at this, but I didn’t know Los Angeles had a zoo (and, a long time ago, I used to live in Long Beach).


  19. Thank you for liking my post on Iraqi refugees (http://listengirlfriends.wordpress.com/2012/09/19/abandoning-our-allies-the-iraqi-refugee/). You are obviously a talented photographer and you have an amazing passion for it. I am inspired by your love for the environment. I will be writing a series on sustainability that I think you will enjoy. We should keep in touch! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  20. Thank you so much for sharing your journeys! Beautiful blog, Jennifer!

    Liked by 1 person

  21. cocoaupnorth

    Great blog you have Jennifer. Thanks for visiting my blog, much appreciated.

    Liked by 1 person

  22. Hi Jennifer – An award/awards for you…but just wanted to let you know…I think you deserve them all personally…but you choose:

    Liked by 1 person

  23. Hi Jennifer,
    Loving your travels, photography and writing.
    Thank you for following my photography blog: http://throughharoldslens.com. I hope you enjoy your journey.
    To launch your travels, find a Country or find a Genre, “click” and jump aboard. Or, here’s a few “Quick Links” to some of my favorites, from over 300 posts, on Through Harold’s Lens:
    “Shaken! Not Stirred”(Sweden)
    “Maiden Mild” (Poland)
    “Where Spirits Soar” (Chile)
    On behalf of the entire Creative Team at Through Harold’s Lens, my trusty sidekicks, Mr. Mirrorless Sony, Mr. SLR Nikon, his brother Mr. Pen Pal and myself, we wish you fun and safe travels.



    • Thanks so much, Harold. I do love good photography, so I’m happy to have found your blog and that you are enjoying mine. A couple of your trusty sidekicks—Mr. Sony and Mr. SLR Nikon—are also in my wheelhouse. What a coincidence :O) Fun and safe travels back at ya. Aloha, Jennifer

      Liked by 1 person

  24. Andrea

    Dear jennifer
    We walked trouth the vulcan and i could see the lava ❤️🌋
    I d like to send you a photo;
    Love regarts: andrea and tanja from switzerland:-) we met us in the vulcano national parc:-)


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